Essential info

Devoted to the history of slavery in Reunion Island, this online database is made up of archive documents, images and artefacts from the collections of the Departmental Council’s cultural institutions : the Villèle Historical Museum (MHV), the Reunion Island Departmental Archives (ADR), the Léon Dierx Museum (MLD) and the Reunion Island Departmental Library (BdR).

Access is free and unlimited, with content aimed at all types of users: schools, media libraries, local authorities and associations.

It includes:
• More than fifty reference documents from the Departmental Council’s historical collections
• One hundred old pictures showing everyday scenes, portraits and old landscapes.
• An exhibition of the Departmental Archives of Reunion Island, called ‘Les Noms de la Liberté’ (‘The Names of Freedom’)
• Two novels :
Les Marrons, by Louis-Timagène Houat, 1844
Matzingoro ou l’esclave Djoloff, by André Berthet, 1885

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